Our Products

Expert Command Centre

Expert Command Centre

The modules for the expert command center are as follows:
  • Supports Multi-Expert Profiles (Supporting multiple expert profiles from Car Accident Expert to Medical Representative Expert, or Fire Incident Expert)
  • Wizard Based Expert Incident Reporting
  • Automated Incident Report Management

Value Added Proposition:

Enhanced Incident Analysis

With comprehensive incident data and automated management, it allows for thorough incident analysis, which can contribute to improved decision-making and risk management.

Resource Optimization

The command center optimizes resource allocation by matching incidents to the most suitable expert profiles, leading to more efficient handling of diverse incidents.

Automated Incident Management

By automating incident report management, the system ensures incidents are promptly addressed, investigated, and resolved, enhancing overall incident response.

Efficient Incident Reporting

Wizard-based expert incident reporting simplifies the process for experts, enabling them to submit incident reports swiftly and comprehensively.

Diverse Expertise Support

The Expert Command Center accommodates various expert profiles, from car accident experts to medical representatives, facilitating a wide range of incident reporting and management.